The Franolli originated 2.5 years ago,when I was making ricotta for my cannoli's and I broke off a piece of a donut and put the ricotta on it. It was delicious.
We made mini Franollis and gave them to customers to try as well as large ones to sell. One of the customers that tried one, knew a person at Zagat and told them about the Franolli. A couple weeks later they wrote an article about it. It took off from there as other websites and TV shows heard about it.
The Franolli has been featured on:
FYI Philly
The Chew
The Steve Harvey Show
The Harry Connick Jr Show
I think Philly loves the Franolli because it is truly Philly. It was born and raise in South Philly. Every Franolli is hand cut one at a time, filled individually with love. NY has the Cronut. Philly has the Franolli.
Stop in and try the original Franolli, a chocolate Franolli, or our seasonal favorite the pumpkin Franolli.